Case Studies

Check out what some of my happy clients have to say

Case Study 1: Overcoming Industry Restrictions to Generate $5,000 in Sales in Less Than 3 Months

Business type: Digital Business

Client: Peter Bright

Location: London, United Kingdom

Client Overview:
Our client is a pioneering figure in a heavily regulated industry, offering a unique digital product priced at $27. Given the constraints of their industry, they needed a way to stand out and generate substantial sales without breaching any norms.


  1. Heavily Regulated Industry: Navigating through the restrictions was our biggest challenge. Traditional marketing strategies were not a fit.
  2. Intense Competition: With many others vying for the same target audience, differentiation was key.
  3. Price Point Perception: While the digital product was priced at an affordable $27, communicating its value was vital to ensure potential customers understood its worth.

Strategy & Implementation:

  1. In-Depth Market Research: We first embarked on thorough research to identify the unmet needs of the target audience and gaps in the market.
  2. Tailored Content: We crafted compelling website copy that spoke directly to those needs, highlighting the unique value proposition of the digital product.
  3. Optimized User Experience: Recognizing that every visitor to the site was a potential buyer, we redesigned the website for optimal conversions, ensuring a smooth journey from landing to checkout.
  4. Leverage Testimonials: We actively sought feedback from early adopters and showcased their testimonials to build trust and credibility.

Against all odds and within a span of less than 3 months, we managed to generate sales amounting to $5,000, far surpassing our initial projections. This was a testament to our ability to navigate a challenging industry landscape and craft a strategy that resonated with the target audience.

Watch the testimonial given by Peter Bright working with Margaret.

Case Study 2: Breathing New Life into a Generational Massage Business

Business type: Traditional Indonesian Massage

Client: Sudirman Saipi

Location: Maryborough, Victoria and Ballarat, Victoria, Australia

Client Overview:
Nestled in the heart of a quaint town is a hidden gem: a massage shop offering traditional Indonesian massage. This art, passed down through three generations, stands as a testament to the power of tradition and skill. Despite its rich history, the shop faced challenges breaking ground under new management, especially in a town with a small population.


  1. New Management: Being new to town meant starting from scratch in terms of local reputation and visibility.
  2. Small Town Dynamics: With a limited population, maximising outreach was crucial.
  3. Targeting an Older Demographic: The majority of the town's residents were older individuals, necessitating a unique approach to technology and booking processes.

Strategy & Implementation:

  1. Simplistic & Functional Website: Recognising the demographics of the town, we built a straightforward website, focusing on user-friendliness for older audiences.
  2. Direct-to-Phone Booking System: Catering to the town's demographic, we implemented a direct-to-phone booking system, making it convenient for older clients to secure appointments.
  3. Local SEO Strategies: To ensure the shop's visibility when town residents searched for massage services, we honed in on local SEO strategies, positioning the shop as the go-to local massage provider.
  4. Leveraging Tradition: Our website copy and branding efforts emphasised the three-generation legacy, creating a story that resonated deeply with the values of the town's residents.

The combination of strategic online presence and a deep connection to tradition worked wonders. Within a short span, the massage shop serviced over 2,000 clients. The success didn't stop there; the overwhelming response allowed them to expand their horizons, opening another branch in a different location.

Watch the testimonial given by Sudirman Saipi working with Margaret.

Case Study 3: Elevating Westall Timber to New Heights in the Competitive Melbourne Market

Business Type: Building and Construction

Client: Westall Timber

Location: Melbourne, Australia

Client Overview:
Westall Timber, 100% Australian-owned and operated business, has been a key player in Melbourne's competitive building and construction industry. They specialise in providing high-quality timber supplies for both residential and commercial projects. With the goal of expanding their market reach and enhancing their customer service, Westall Timber required a comprehensive digital overhaul to include e-commerce capabilities and improved SEO.


  • Reliable Website Development: Westall Timber faced significant challenges in finding a reliable website designer who could deliver projects on time and according to their specific marketing brief. This issue was critical as it hindered their ability to establish a strong digital presence that accurately represented their high-quality products and services.
  • SEO Visibility: With increasing competition in the Melbourne area, improving search engine rankings was crucial to drive more organic traffic and leads.
  • E-commerce Integration: Transitioning from a traditional in-store sales model to an integrated e-commerce platform was essential to meet changing consumer preferences and behaviours.

Strategy & Implementation:

  • Website Revamp: We initiated our partnership by developing a more robust and user-friendly website. The new design focused on ease of navigation and aesthetic appeal to reflect the quality of Westall Timber’s offerings.
  • Search Engine Optimisation: Our SEO strategy was tailored to increase visibility in local search results, focusing on keywords integral to the business. We optimised site content, meta descriptions, and keyword integration across all pages.
  • E-commerce Development: Under-development.
  • Content Strategy: We crafted engaging, informative content that not only highlighted Westall Timber’s expertise but also addressed common customer queries, positioning them as a leader in the industry.

Since the implementation of these strategic enhancements in 2017, Westall Timber has seen a significant uptick in both website traffic and sales conversions. We are currently implementing digital strategies to their marketing goals.

"I reached out to Margaret to help me complete my idea for the company's website and to make it live before Summer. I am very pleased with her output and her work ethics. She is easy to contact and made time to visit the office for meetings and quick snaps of the warehouse. We are still working with her until now in maintaining our website. I highly recommend her to anyone needing an updated website or one from scratch."
-Glenn Evans, owner of Westall Timber

Ready to Transform Your Business?
Each business story is unique, but the goal remains consistent: growth, visibility, and success. Whether you're facing industry restrictions or demographic challenges, my tailored strategies can bring your vision to life, just as I've done for others.

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